nail loss


Avid Member
I am still worried about screen size and whether to build my own cages or purchase from lllreptile. how often do chams lose nails. do most people keep their chams in screen cages.....the cages i have built so far are nice but heavy and would require a separate outdoor cage......i plan to keep jacksons and other montane species for now


Just remember as a "general rule of thumb" the finer the mesh, the greater the chance they can loose a nail. The larger the mesh, the easier it is for feeders to escape. You just have to find a balance that works for what you are trying to accomplish- there really is no right or wrong.
Cammie is right...both have their pluses and minuses...also I have found that if you give your cham enough to climb on (plants, branches, etc.) they won't climb around the screen as much and you don't have to worry about them losing their nails.

I don't want to sway your opinion in either way in mesh styles but, I've built my own cages and used standard black aluminum screen. I've been in this hobby for more than a year, I have yet to see a missing nail. I do have some occasional screen climbers in the house as well.

The best thing to do is (which I will be doing with my future cage designs) is to incorporate a dual layer design where the finer mesh will be attached on the outside of the enclosure and "grip mesh" on the inside. The space between the two mesh should be sufficient enough for a chameleon to comfortably hold the inside mesh without touching the external mesh. This method should completely eliminate nail loss that can be caused by finer meshes.

I just made a cage like the one you speak of a few weeks ago. It's 2 cages in one. It stands about 6 feet tall and is 4 feet wide. It turned out quite well, the chameleons use the vegetable garden fencing with no risk of their nails breaking on the screen. There is about a two inch gap between walls

I don't want to sway your opinion in either way in mesh styles but, I've built my own cages and used standard black aluminum screen. I've been in this hobby for more than a year, I have yet to see a missing nail. I do have some occasional screen climbers in the house as well.

The best thing to do is (which I will be doing with my future cage designs) is to incorporate a dual layer design where the finer mesh will be attached on the outside of the enclosure and "grip mesh" on the inside. The space between the two mesh should be sufficient enough for a chameleon to comfortably hold the inside mesh without touching the external mesh. This method should completely eliminate nail loss that can be caused by finer meshes.
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^^ That's exactly what I mean. One added benefit of this style is being able to attach any sort of vine to anywhere on the sides of the cage without causing stress points on the standard screen or being limited to attaching vines to wood only.

I actually have built an inside outside cage design, i was just wondering if i was going crazy with over building or if it was the best way to accomplish it.

thanks for the pics. i will have to start a thread with my latest cage design as i build it this week

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