

New Member
Its only 5pm here and still light out, yet my cham is in the back corner of his cage all curled up and not moving. I think hes trying to sleep but its not his sleep time. I did just get him yesterday but hes been in that corner for an hour now. When I look at his he just stares at me. Is this kinda normal? Hes only 4 months old.
Remember he grew up n Florida eastern time..

He may have a bit of jet lag still. Its a three hour time difference from east coast and west coast (5pm is 8pm to him)
normal for chams to be on their sleeping branch a few hours before lights out.

not good when it is during the day, middle of the afternoon or something like that could mean illness...but i agree with Dez
He is most probably just settling in. Is he at the top (warmer) or bottom (cooler) area? Is he also behind foliage? He may just be shy and not want to be seen, younger chameleons especially become more intimidated and want to hide from human presence, with patience, respect and time this will not be a problem :)
However, if his eyes ARE closed, and he is sleeping for extensive amount of hours in the day this may become a problem, so monitor your Chameleon :D
Details of your tank, chameleon, food, supplements and lighting periods also help for a diagnosis if you proceed to worry ;).
normal for chams to be on their sleeping branch a few hours before lights out.

not good when it is during the day, middle of the afternoon or something like that could mean illness...but i agree with Dez

Just to clarify, it's okay if they hang out on their sleeping branch some during the day, but they shouldn't stay there all day and they shouldn't close their eyes while they are there.
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