Nasal discharge - female Veiled


New Member

My 6 month old female V has what I believe to be nasal discharge out of both nostrils. It looks like a clumped up white substance that is hard to the touch. I was able to knock off one side but not the other.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

She seems to be alright otherwise. Acts normal and is eating well.




What are you feeding? What are you gutloading your feeders? What are your supplements?

It looks like excess suppl being expelled. I think there is another thread going on about this right now as well.

EDIT: I was beat to the punch!
I would like to add though that there will be times with a female chameleon when you want to bump up the calcium supps.
When gravid or producing eggs and after laying a clutch of eggs.
during these periods you want to dust every feeder with calcium (mostly, but not always w/out D3) at every feeding.

Thanks everyone!
It all makes sense now . . . (duh). I first thought it was the dusting but I was not thinking of it being discharged. I thought maybe it came from the roaches when she caught them. (Well I guess it did huh . . .)

I have been dusting every day with calcium (w/o D3) and every other week with a supplement with D3. I probably have been dusting too much (per feeding) since I started feeding roaches. It does not seem to stick very well to them so I have been adding more to the cup before I shake.

So should I dust less on a daily basis or cut down the days I dust?

Thanks again

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