Natural Sunlight Exposure


New Member
I was just wondering if there is a minimum amount of time required in natural sunlight to absorb the proper uv? I realize that the longer the better provided the right amount of shade is also offered. Thanks all.
I read somewhere that about 4-5 hours of exposure to natural unfiltered sunlight is equivalent to a week under a UVB bulb. Don't how reliable the source was, but I think I've also heard others here on the forum say the same thing.
That's about right, I've heard a similar number from one of the owners of ReptileUV. Something like a day in the sun read possitive levels of stuff in the bloodstream for up to two weeks, I think. At any rate, I think 4-5 hours is probably good too. It would depend how often you do it. Even an hour is good if you have time for it, but the more the better.
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