Chameleon Enthusiast
Part of my everyday regime- weather permitting -i'm in the U.K -is getting everyone out in their outdoor enclosures- the parsons have always had access- usually 10am -5pm everyday and am working on the same for the xanth and the panther
@Andee I know you say you let your chams have sunshine and sometimes your weather will only allow just 15 minutes- but even that is good and worth it so if it's a cloudy day this summer I'm trying to get the panther out for that time minimum,
so questions-
if I can let them have 30 minutes a day- minimum- will that be beneficial - for UV absorption- even at that short time would you lay off D3 supps? they all obviously have uv tubes indoors( outdoor time will actually be more like 3-6 hours a day- all have shaded areas for self regulation- mistkings in most- (this year am making other outdoor enclsoures - better designs etc)
If I can get them outdoors weather-temps permitiing from May to October- would I still supplement through the winter-or a very reduced supplementation - I am mainly taking about the panther and veiled here.
Is a cloudy day -if warm enough-still going to be beneficial?
As long as there is adequate shade, humidity, hydration is there such a thing as too much UV exposure.
many thanks for input.
@Andee I know you say you let your chams have sunshine and sometimes your weather will only allow just 15 minutes- but even that is good and worth it so if it's a cloudy day this summer I'm trying to get the panther out for that time minimum,
so questions-
if I can let them have 30 minutes a day- minimum- will that be beneficial - for UV absorption- even at that short time would you lay off D3 supps? they all obviously have uv tubes indoors( outdoor time will actually be more like 3-6 hours a day- all have shaded areas for self regulation- mistkings in most- (this year am making other outdoor enclsoures - better designs etc)
If I can get them outdoors weather-temps permitiing from May to October- would I still supplement through the winter-or a very reduced supplementation - I am mainly taking about the panther and veiled here.
Is a cloudy day -if warm enough-still going to be beneficial?
As long as there is adequate shade, humidity, hydration is there such a thing as too much UV exposure.
many thanks for input.