Panther chameleon...
"Necropsy revealed 38 nema- todes in different localizations; including those isolated from subcutaneous swellings and from faeces after de- worming, at least 75 (sub-)adults were found"...
Veiled chameleons...
"The three most often diagnosed fatal disease, were uricosis (gout) in 20%, egg retention in 15% and rickets (rachitis) in 10% of the examined cases. Beside these single cases of septicaemia caused by Aeromonas hydrophila, stomatitis, liver dystrophy, follicle degeneration, tuberculosis and granuloma formation induced by fungi were also observed"...
Serpentovirus (Nidovirus) and Orthoreovirus Coinfection in Captive Veiled Chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) with Respiratory Disease...
"Disseminated mycosis was diagnosed at necropsy"...
Mass on the kidney...Panther chameleon...euthanized...
Crucifer lateralis...
"The main finding on necropsy was a grossly distended and impacted oviduct (uterus), full of mummified eggs and inspissated yolk material"...
"Necropsy revealed 38 nema- todes in different localizations; including those isolated from subcutaneous swellings and from faeces after de- worming, at least 75 (sub-)adults were found"...
Veiled chameleons...
"The three most often diagnosed fatal disease, were uricosis (gout) in 20%, egg retention in 15% and rickets (rachitis) in 10% of the examined cases. Beside these single cases of septicaemia caused by Aeromonas hydrophila, stomatitis, liver dystrophy, follicle degeneration, tuberculosis and granuloma formation induced by fungi were also observed"...
Serpentovirus (Nidovirus) and Orthoreovirus Coinfection in Captive Veiled Chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) with Respiratory Disease...
"Disseminated mycosis was diagnosed at necropsy"...
Mass on the kidney...Panther chameleon...euthanized...
Crucifer lateralis...
"The main finding on necropsy was a grossly distended and impacted oviduct (uterus), full of mummified eggs and inspissated yolk material"...
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