I got a one year old veiled chameleon two days ago. She has been at my local pet store for 3 months and has been very happy and healthy there. Since we brought her home and got her cage set up she hasn't moved. She sits in one spot on her vine. She was very active at the store. I have 2 vines in there, a wood climbing branch, a fake plant and a potted plant. She won't eat or drink and if we walk over to her cage she hisses at us, leans away and puffs up. I know she needs to to adjust to her new place, my concern is that she's not moving around the cage and every once in a while she makes a strange noise and lifts her head up towards the ceiling. If I had to describe it it's kind of like a squeaky cough. I don't see any drainage or mucus in her mouth, eyes or nose. I'm just really worried and don't know how long to let it go. Is she just stressed with the New surroundings. We have her in the living room.