Need advise for Water issues


Retired Moderator
Hey guys,
got a Q for those who use RO water.
Is it really worth to buy?
I am a bit uneducated in this matter.
and Since I currently live with my friend (she own the house), i cannot buy the filter thing that involve major installation. Is there such thing as RO filter that as simple as one of those Brita water purifier (you know, the one that you can attach on your faucet).

If there is, any recommendation on the brand and so on.
If it is a big deal, then i probably use the water for drinking also. :)

Thanks in advance for all the suggestions.
I got my reverse osmosis from costo...It not that much installation its just 3 filters under your sink and few other pipes and things. Before I had the reverse osmosis I used to use a portable water purifier that heats up the water and cleans it out (the only drawback is that it takes a few hours to get 1 gallon):(
I bought the reverse osmosis for myself, and then found out its good for my chams!!:)
There are some countertop RO units, but they tend to have proprietary filters so you're stuck paying more in the end. Most RO units are assembled out of standard filter and membrane assemblies onto a metal or plastic bracket so the filter elements are easily obtained and there's a lot of competition.

As everyone knows, competition is great for the consumer.

It's kind of funny. There are only a handful of actual manufacturers. Everyone else just assembles parts. I don't know if Watts actually makes anything. You know all those fittings that Home Depot sells? Watts just rebags them. Most of them are the exact same manufacturer that I sell. It's the same thing with their RO systems. They just slap their label on the bracket and put it in their box.

You could always just mount it to the wall in the garage and mount the dispenser to a wall bracket. If the line for the ice maker is available, plumb that between the pressure tank and the dispenser so you can have some clean ice, too. That way, when you move, it's just a matter of taking it off the wall and reconnecting the plumbing.
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