Need expert help quick!


New Member
I've had my chameleon for nearly a year now and he's suddenly started having problems, he won't walk anywhere in his tank unless he goes to the floor at night, and he hardly ever stretches out anymore, also his eyes are nearly always closed in the daytime

He's a veiled chameleon

Has lots of foliage and is misted at least 3 times a day

Eats crickets and wax worms
Well for one that diet is not good, wax worms are a terrible feeder they full of fat I just wouldn't use them at all tbh an crickets also sent the best, you want to include at least two or three new feeders into that diet, also are they being gut loaded and supplemented? An yes if you fill the form in it will help with any other problems
We are all speculating until you fill out that form...

but I don't think there is anything wrong with feeding a diet primarily of crickets as long as you supplement correctly and feed the fatty guys only sparingly
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