Need Help With Drainage Solution For Wooden Shelves

NC Chams

New Member
I have done some research and have not found an ideal cheap drainage solution for my cage setup. I currently have two 18x18x36 screen cages setup over two sinks in my lab with a mistking running. Water drains into the sinks. This was a temporary summer solution as I now need to reclaim my lab space and give my two veileds a low traffic area in my storage room. I would like to have my 24x24x48, and two or three 18x18x36" screen cages all next to each other on the same wooden shelf. I can adjust the shelves up and down to fit my needs. I also have a sink in the room to the left of the cages. (See pics- sorry for poor quality) The drainage trays would be ideal, but I'm looking for the cheap solution right now! Thanks for your help!
Drill a small hole that goes to a 1/4" hose that goes to a container. Otherwise raise up the enclosure and add a drawer to capture the moisture.
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