Need idea's


New Member
So im going camping Saturday morning thru tuesday morning and i dont know what i should do about feeding my panther,there isnt anyone home to feed her, i was thinking bout putting a cup fool of different kind of feeders and hopfully she'll eat them when she gets hungry and not over feed herself,but im still not sure about that,anyone got any good idea's,and i juct moved to a new city so i dont know anyone who can take care of her while im out?
So im going camping Saturday morning thru tuesday morning and i dont know what i should do about feeding my panther,there isnt anyone home to feed her, i was thinking bout putting a cup fool of different kind of feeders and hopfully she'll eat them when she gets hungry and not over feed herself,but im still not sure about that,anyone got any good idea's,and i juct moved to a new city so i dont know anyone who can take care of her while im out?

Since you're only going to be gone about 48 hours, just give her a good feeding on Friday, and do like you suggested, leave her a cup of feeders. She'll be fine.
Personally, I wouldn't leave her alone. Do you have a misting system and a dripper? I would make a thread on here and see if any of the members live close by you than might can cham-sit. I know we have Bay members. Jann
i have a electric misting set on a timer every 3 hours or 15 sec,and a dripper,i guess my next door nieghbor is. my grandparents (now living with) are very good friends with him so ya he go 3 Red Tail boa's so i think it will be ok.the eletric timer is on 8am-8pm and i have 100watt day light/5.0 light and mister set up on it + 100watt ceramic light that one24 hours
As long as you have the lights and water covered, I would put in a feeding cups and let it go at that. If you put food in Sat morning that will only leaves sum & mon so it should be ok. Let us know how it goes.
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