Need male veil for quick breeding session


New Member
I am looking for a willing person in the phoenix AZ area with a male veil to let my female veil breed with. She is 9 months and about 4 1/2 inch in body length (not including tail). I would like to do it around 2-3 months from now. It would be greatly appreciated as I do not want her to die from egg bound. I would also be willing to purchase a male of equivalent size if necessary.
Female veilds do not automatically die from being eggbound if they are not bred. This is a Myth. I don't know where the myth started but it is totally false.

Females can die eggbound if not provided with a proper laying bin, if they have not been given enough calcium while gravid. as well as many other reasons.. but not being bred and laying infertile eggs is not one of the reasons.

I would recommend you waiting until your female is a year old before trying to breed her. It is healthier in the long run not to breed too young (I do see you said you want to do it in 2-3 months that will put her at the right age)
I am looking for a willing person in the phoenix AZ area with a male veil to let my female veil breed with. She is 9 months and about 4 1/2 inch in body length (not including tail). I would like to do it around 2-3 months from now. It would be greatly appreciated as I do not want her to die from egg bound. I would also be willing to purchase a male of equivalent size if necessary.

It sounds like you would like to breed her for the purpose of her not getting eggbound. If that's what you meant then I'm afraid you misunderstood. They can become eggbound regardless. The eggs being fertile or infertile has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they become eggbound. Plenty of females who have been eggbound were mated successfully, and plenty were not. She will lay eggs regardless so the same problems apply if she is mated or not. Good nutrition, correct temperatures and an appropriate egg laying bin will help keep her from being eggbound. Some of the other members on here have posted great info on egg laying to give you some guidance. Good luck with her! :)
Another stupid myth we need to just stop. I would't breed ur female until at least a year old if not 2. Females can become ready to breed at almost any age, I've had females become gravid at 3 months and other not till a year and a half, I'm almost certain this has to do with bloodlines. If you care about your female you will not breed her, breeding females that young usually results in an early death. Not to mention from observation I have noticed that virgin females tend to have less problems with egg binding than a female who has been bred once or twice and then cutoff from breeding. If you want 20-50 babies then go ahead and breed her but remember you have to incubate them, then once they hatch you have to feed them thousands of crickets/flies, grow them until they are ready for homes and thn try to find homes for all these babies. Its very expensive and time consuming. Overall I wouldn't worry about finding a male unless your sure you want the responsibility of babies.
I have a male Veiled chameleon for breeding, and i will be in that area around that time, let me know what you think.
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