need some help with my enclosure.


New Member
Hello! So I recently picked up a 65 gallon mesh reptairium enclosure. Plus uvb & heat lamp with a repti fogger & a few vines. I plan on adding some live plants I just wanted to make sure i had a safe stable environment before i added the veiled. How much humidity is needed because I plan on putting my repti fogger in a time I just wanted to know how long the fogging increments needed to me Thanks! christian:):D
I don't use a fogger but you want to try and maintain the humidity around 50% or so and then have it spike when you mist the enclosure. I know that is hard to do sometimes living in the dryer areas, especially during the winter months.
i live in georgia it gets really humid here but thank you i have my humidity straight. but my enclosure was part of a package for chameleons & it also came with a few quarts of dry moss, but i don't want to use it because I've heard loose substrate is no good for chameleons when they feed. Is this something i can use? its real moss not artificial.
I would not use a fogger for a veiled. Simply a misting system should do the job as they are adapted to a life in lush valleys within a rather arid environment. I think that regular misting should be enough to keep the humidity. Before I would add a fogger, I'd rather get a bark backing for the enclosure which helps to keep the humidity as it retains moisture.
Living in Florida it is super humid too. I don't have any veilds but I know people that do and they even keep them outside year round with the high humidity so it can be higher than 50%. Just that trying to maintain those type of levels inside a house with AC running would be next to impossible,. If you don't have or run AC that would be a different story. My humidity stays around 50% in my indoor cages with no mistings or anything, but then again I live in the tropics!
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