Need Some Panther Advice


New Member
I know you guys must get this alot, but im curious as to what my chances are that if i buy this guys baby it will come out looking like him. Seeing as only shows the males I have no Idea what this guys baby will come out looking like. I mean is this color morph that rare???
Red barred Ambilobes are not that rare, but in general it is difficult to know exactly what your offspring will look like from Ambilobes. You can get red barred ambilobes from two blue barred bloodline parents and you can get blue barred ambilobes from two red barred bloodline parents. Ambilobes are unique like that. Also, some red barred ambilobes turn into blue barred ambilobes and some blue barred ambilobes turn into red barred ambilobes. Hope that sounds as clear as mud.

This is tougher than I thought, I have no idea which sire to pick from.... Please help opinion are welcome ....
Pick whatever one you like most. Every cham is different. You may like the sire but your cham might not come out like that, exactly. So just pick what seems cool to you stressing about the color now doesn't mean it'll be that color later.
I dont know if this will help, but lbesok just posted a thread about her new babies. The Male is mine Goblin but she put up the entire family tree. You have My female Mena also you can see her father, grandfather and brother. They all look different also Goblin father Gerard which he looks similar to ..

Hope this helps.
Yea hopefully babies are still available. I don't know about the top one he doesn't have much contrast to his color. It seems these are the two top breeders so my choice isn't going to be an easy one. Thanks for the advice guys......
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