Need to get new chameleon to eat better...


New Member
Hi! I am new to the chameleon world. Got my veiled chameleon Lemony Snicket on Friday evening. He is eating only 1-3 crickets a day. I know it takes some time for them to settle in but I am concerned that he is eating so little. Should he have a cricket feeding holder? Currently I just set the crickets loose in the enclosure. I think he has trouble finding and hunting them because he is so small. I am adding another vine in the front of the enclosure so he can climb everywhere. But is there anything else I can do to make eating easier for him? Thanx!


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The pic I posted was taken at night when the lights automatically shut off for the night. Basking and UVB run from 7 am to 9 pm. Then turn off for the night. Nighttime temps where I live are around 62-70F
you could try cup feeding so it is easier for him to find his food and once he gets the hang of it you can try free ranging the food again just monitor how much he eats. If you got him from a pet store most of the time they feed the chams with a food dish so maybe he is still getting used to finding his food on his own. Hope this helps :)
you could try cup feeding so it is easier for him to find his food and once he gets the hang of it you can try free ranging the food again just monitor how much he eats. If you got him from a pet store most of the time they feed the chams with a food dish so maybe he is still getting used to finding his food on his own. Hope this helps :)
Thanks. I saw some post of cricket feeders for them so I fashioned him one this afternoon. Still hasn't eaten but did crawl on it!


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Also, if I were to use a feeding dish, what kind would I use? Wouldn't the crickets simply jump out of a reptile feeding dish???
I just meant that he may be used to having his food in one place so its easier to catch it. Your cricket cup looks perfect! :p
Lemony Snicket is somewhere between 5-6 months old. Is there anything else I could feed him at this age to help entice his appetite? Someone mentioned romaine lettuce. I am a little afraid of introducing too many "new" things to him right now as he isn't eating well due to his new home and circumstances. I'm afraid that if I keep adding changes he will never eat as he will be to stressed and not settle in. But I would like to vary his diet. As far as bugs are concerned... what can u feed an 5-6 month old that weighs 18 g? He currently is fed medium crickets. I know he can't eat super worms till he is older. But what would be a good thing to offer him at this age?
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