New Member
Hi all, i have just got a young veiled female chameleon,
I was told to feed her small brown/black crickets, and meal worms,
I have only had her a few days now and have seen her eat quite a few crickets, but the meal worms i have in one of them escape proof dishes on the bottom of the viv, she does not bother with them unless i dropp one near her then she will take it,
I have read not to feed them too many meal worms?
And also about gutloading and dusting? i was not told anything about this in the shop.
So im after some advice please
what would be a good diet for my young veiled? and is dusting the food, necessary,?or can i feed the crickets, some the vege to gutload? sorry about the questions, but i was not told this in the shop and want to get it all correct, thanks
Ifso what stuff to i need?
I was told to feed her small brown/black crickets, and meal worms,
I have only had her a few days now and have seen her eat quite a few crickets, but the meal worms i have in one of them escape proof dishes on the bottom of the viv, she does not bother with them unless i dropp one near her then she will take it,
I have read not to feed them too many meal worms?
And also about gutloading and dusting? i was not told anything about this in the shop.
So im after some advice please
Ifso what stuff to i need?