New 2 jaxns. couple ?


New Member
This is my first time posting.
Ive owned a veiled before so I thought I could handle a jackson. So not realizing I needed a lot more than what I already had I have been scrambling to get everything I need to keep my new jackson happy and healthy.

I have a 36' large screen cage in the mail. uvb in the mail. I just got a nice ficus and pathos today from a nice nursery. I'll be washing off the leaves once a day until I get the cage. so Im almost all set. I was really thinking about getting an auto mister system, but I dont know about all those reviews. Can someone help me out in that department. Do I need all of those foggers and what have you's?

I have seen him on the floor a lot, I thought was something less frequent or a bad sign cuz my veil was hardly ever on the ground. but then again, he was super friendly and awesome. This guys awesome. Hes grumpy but not pissed off. maybe shy is the best word. Ive had him for less than two weeks. I like him. I cant wait to get his home girl from the pet shop when I can.

tell me something. talk to me.
I would definitely NOT put two chameleons in the same cage, no matter what. Causes stress and fighting and bullying over food, even if they're "boyfriend and girlfriend".

Having one chameleon in a cage like that is ok.
If your cage is really 36' you can easily keep 2 chams in it. However, I suspect it is 36" (inches) in which case they will need separate cages. Whether or not you need a humidifier is dependent upon the ambient humidity of the room and how often they are misted. Personally, I do not use one, but I do mist them every so often and they always have access to slowly dripping water.
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