New Adult Panther cage

Meow Kitty

New Member
the background teaser

the cage (still needs screen top and the door attached) the two sides are acrylic transparent plastic and the base is a pan made from duct sheet metal then water proofed. it looks pretty good so far and ill finally be able to use my mist king since it has proper drainage (hole in the middle of the pan) i also covered the pan with tile i cut to fit it looks a lot nicer then bare metal.

2x3x4 witha 1 foot clearance under it
the framing and the table costed around 46$
well i found a person on craigslist who is willing to trade his 24 24 36 screen cage with me. and i cant afford to buy a new one. is it ok to use his? i will hose it down, but will that be enough? is it possible to transfer parasites from his cage to my chameleon? if so what should i do to steralize it?
Use hydrogen peroxide at 9-12% (you can get it at a beauty supply store) to clean the cage. Yes, parasites can be transfersd and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of them. Its fine to use one that size. Bigger is better, but its fine. Just raise it up more.
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