New and researching a LOT


New Member

Hi there! Im Midge.
I'm new to the chameleon world but certainly not new to pets as family members.

I have a set up I'm working on which includes:
a 24x24x48 enclosure
Artificial foliage
Artificial floor mat
Vertical and horizontal 'branches'
Uvb, heat and the other recommended lighting
Calcium and vitamin supplements
I have a good source for gut loaded crickets and super worms
Spray bottle mister
I know I will need a more mechanical mister and I am looking into making one.

I have several books and articles I have purchased or bookmarked as well as a few friends with very well adjusted and healthy chams.

So I'm here to learn, read, listen and kabitz as needed. I so look forward to my new little guy. Even my boys are excited.

Thanks for your time and I welcome commentary
Hello and welcome! These forums are wonderful for us newbs! Take the time and read through all the care sheets carefully, and check the sticky threads on the forums. Everything you need to get started is there, my new guy arrived this week, and after doing the research and having everything prepped, he seems to be adjusting really well! They are amazing to watch hunt, and are very active!
From what I read, the full size enclosure might be a little too big for a baby, it makes it hard for them to find their food. I was advised to start with a medium sized cage, so I got an 18x18x36, then placed some planters underneath the PVC bottom to raise it up about 10 inches. This way, my 4 month old can have full roam of his home. I will drop the bottom around 6 months. Another good thing about the smaller enclosure is that I plan to use it as an outdoor spot on my deck in the spring when I move him to a full size. Artificial foliage is good to start with, but is is def recommended to have real plants, to keep the humidity up, and for health. I went with pothos in a magnetic hanging planter and ficus on the bottom for coverage. As they grow in more full, I will remove the artificial leaves I have.
Hope this helps, it was all info passed onto me by this forum, and everyone has been great in helping and posting replies!
Oh, I'm getting a juvenile. It was recommended to me to get the larger enclosure so I wouldn't have to upgrade later. I can make a platform bottom to put in for temporary smaller area out of plexiglass. That's not a big deal. Lowes is my friend!

I'll get live plants at some point, but since it's the 'off season' for most of the local nurseries who raise organic foliage, I'll settle for plastic for now.

I do have some questions about cage and substrate cleaning/replacing.

1: I see a lot of use of the shredded coconut bedding for cage floors. Is this wise, how often should I change it outright?

2: what brand or type of cleaner should I use on the climbing materials? How often to clean the branches or replace them. Right now I'll have what looks to be false grass blanket floor substrate. What to place above that or replace with and how often to clean?

Thanks so much !
From what I have read, it's better to leave the floor bare, when hunting they can possibly cut their tongues on sharp mats or pick up and eat loose items. For cleaning, warm water and dish soap is OK, that's what was recommended to me.
I don't use anything on the floor of my cage - anything in it makes it harder to keep clean and it's way easier to just be able to wipe it out - I have Canvas cages which have a nice decal for the floor of the cage - they sell them to fit other cages too- but rugs and such are mostly a pain.
I don't get organic plants but I re-pot them all with organic soil- (actually I make my husband do it because I'm not very good with plants)
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