Hi there! Im Midge.
I'm new to the chameleon world but certainly not new to pets as family members.
I have a set up I'm working on which includes:
a 24x24x48 enclosure
Artificial foliage
Artificial floor mat
Vertical and horizontal 'branches'
Uvb, heat and the other recommended lighting
Calcium and vitamin supplements
I have a good source for gut loaded crickets and super worms
Spray bottle mister
I know I will need a more mechanical mister and I am looking into making one.
I have several books and articles I have purchased or bookmarked as well as a few friends with very well adjusted and healthy chams.
So I'm here to learn, read, listen and kabitz as needed. I so look forward to my new little guy. Even my boys are excited.
Thanks for your time and I welcome commentary
Hi there! Im Midge.
I'm new to the chameleon world but certainly not new to pets as family members.
I have a set up I'm working on which includes:
a 24x24x48 enclosure
Artificial foliage
Artificial floor mat
Vertical and horizontal 'branches'
Uvb, heat and the other recommended lighting
Calcium and vitamin supplements
I have a good source for gut loaded crickets and super worms
Spray bottle mister
I know I will need a more mechanical mister and I am looking into making one.
I have several books and articles I have purchased or bookmarked as well as a few friends with very well adjusted and healthy chams.
So I'm here to learn, read, listen and kabitz as needed. I so look forward to my new little guy. Even my boys are excited.
Thanks for your time and I welcome commentary