New Cham, a little concered.


New Member
I got a 6 month old Jacksons chameleon on Sunday. So far he is doing GREAT. I see him drinking a lot, climbing around, alert, and drinking. He also poops and his urates look fine. There are two things I am worried about. First, I see him go to the bottom of the cage a few times a day. He always climbs back up eventually but it just worries me. My temps are near perfect, with the bottom 65F, middle 74-75F, and the basking spot 80-81F. Maybe he is just exploring? Also, I know he is eating the free roam crickets I put in the cage because he looks a little fatter and he is pooping. However, I want to see him eat! I have tried hand feeding, tong feeding, and cup feeding and I have only seen him eat one cricket. I know he has been eating at least 5 -7 though, because he looks fatter. Should I try not feeding him for a day and then giving him food in a cup? Thanks for the help....
Don't worry about his excursions to the bottom of the cage, he is probably just exploring. Jackson's like cooler, more humid environments, and the bottom of the cage generally are cooler and more humid.

I can understand you wanting to see him eat, it is one of the pleasures of chameleon ownership! One thing that worked for me in the beginning was to place the cup of recently dusted feeders into the cham cage on its side near the cham. The feeders will begin to make their way out of the cup, and my chams can't resist all that movement. Also, blue bottle flies are a great way to get them eating in front of you. They cannot resist the buzzing and it is really entertaining watching them chase down the flies.
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