New cham, not eating


New Member
I received a juvenile, male Jackson's Chameleon on Friday from FL Chams. Prior to purchasing, I texted FL Cham and was told he's been eating 1/2" crickets. Thursday, I purchased 100 crickets and gutloaded them with apple, romaine and squash. When my cham arrived, I placed him in his enclosure along with 8 crickets. He immediately ate one. I didn't see him eat anymore after that, but I did see two dead crickets on the bottom the enclosure the next morning. Every day I've been adding a few more crickets to his cage, but they just seem to gather on the side of the cage a few inches above his basking area. He seems to be drinking just fine. This morning I introduced 4 wax worms, but his ran from them. Not all the crickets I have put into the enclosure are accounted for, so I'm not sure if he's been eating while I'm away. Am I being overly-concerned or is this normal for chameleons in a new enclosure?

Type: Jackson's Chameleon - Male, 4-6mo old
Cage Type: 24"x24"x48" Jungle Hobbies screen enclosure
Plants: Hanging Pothos, Ficus & Dwarf Umbrella Tree at bottom. Numerous willow branches throughout
Lights: 60w Basking bulb, 18" Reptisun 10.0 fluorescent UVB bulb, 24" grow bulb (standing vertically along side)
Temp: 84 degrees at basking spot, 70-75 degrees through rest of enclosure
Water: MistKing Ultimate with two nozzles (Humidity 65% throughout most of cage)
I would give him sometime to settle in. They don't always eat right away or will eat very little. Are there places in the cage that are shaded with the bulb standing vertically? Usually the bulbs are placed on the top of the cage and not recommended to go on the sides.
Yes, the backside of the cage is shaded as well as pretty much anywhere inside the pothos. The pothos is pretty dense. I put the grow lamp on the side of the enclosure to help the Ficus and Dwarf Umbrella grow since they weren't getting ample light.
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