New Cham "Room" - drainage, cages, chams, Oh my!


Biologist & Ecologist
I say "room" because it's so small it's almost more of a chameleon closet! :D But it works well, so I can't complain. I have photos of how I fixed the problem of the visual divider (for those of you that contributed to that thread), how I dealt with drainage (thanks to those that also contributed to that thread), and pics of the gang and their cages.

Sorry for the poor quality on some of them. My camera isn't the best.

The room from the living room. There's a baby gate so it's a no-dog-zone. More than anything because she knocks over my insect bins! More than once I've had 500 supers loose in the carpet :eek:

I found the longest curtain rod Target had, which is like 8 feet long, and spend half an hour securing it like an idiot. But it works!

How it opens. Needless photo, I know, but I'm proud of it! lol

The drainage tables. I used the PVC Liner idea recommended to me and it works like a charm! It's secured into a hole in the center, and the two cages that sit on a "grill" of bars drain really well onto the table, which in turn drains into a bucket.

Everything's still a work in progress. I know cages tend to be picked at, but I'm aware of any issues and I'm still fixing them. I only just got moved in :)

Charlotte's cage

Cobalt's cage

Cerberus's cage

Othello's cage
And now some of the gang-



Of course my little lady sucks in for the camera :rolleyes: I swear she's not skinny!

My tiny headache, Cobalt.

Wow! I so want a chameleon room of my own! Sadly not possible until the kids leave home, so not much chance of that for a while, lol! Your 'gang' are all so cute!
I think you've done a fantastic job, Olimpia! No complaints here! (although I haven't gone over it with a fine-toothed comb;))
Thank you! :D I didn't think I'd be able to have one either, but I got lucky and found a one bedroom with a den and couldn't say no! The lady giving us the tour probably never imagined what I'd be putting in the "perfect office space" :D

Psh, the kids can sleep on the sofas, they'll be fine! LOL
I think you've done a fantastic job, Olimpia! No complaints here! (although I haven't gone over it with a fine-toothed comb;))

LOL Thanks! You know how it is sometimes :rolleyes: The chams look happy, so they must approve too!
I missed the thread about the visual divider, but I wonder if it's totally necessary? It seems like there is a decent amount of space between all the cages. I could be totally wrong and it could be an illusion, but I just wonder if you really need it, ya know? We have our chams set up on 2 walls, they're not directly across from one another, but it doesn't look like the distance is much different than ours and our chams never seem stressed about it or anything.

Other than that though, it looks great. I can't wait to have our own cham room when we get our own place. I look seeing peoples rooms because I get so many ideas from them!
I missed the thread about the visual divider, but I wonder if it's totally necessary? It seems like there is a decent amount of space between all the cages. I could be totally wrong and it could be an illusion, but I just wonder if you really need it, ya know? We have our chams set up on 2 walls, they're not directly across from one another, but it doesn't look like the distance is much different than ours and our chams never seem stressed about it or anything.

Other than that though, it looks great. I can't wait to have our own cham room when we get our own place. I look seeing peoples rooms because I get so many ideas from them!

I agree, and for my veiled and Jackson's, they don't care at all if they can see each other. But my two panthers are directly across from each other (it's a 3-4 ft distance) and they're both really aggressive males, so if they can see each other they turn black. One of them is particularly challenging to keep because everything scares him, so I'm just trying to improve his quality of life a little! I'd move the chams around so the two panthers are next to each other, but there's a reason behind having the chams in the order they are in.

It wasn't an expensive fix, so I don't mind having to pull a curtain open or closed if it'll give my panthers a little more peace. :) And thanks for the compliment!
Aaahhh gotcha!! Well if that's the case than good thinking haha. What do you use between your cages? We have peg board we got from Lowes and that works insanely well because they can't see each other and there is still a maximum amount of air flow for them. Just figured I'd mention that incase you were in need of any extra "privacy" ideas :)
I have toyed with many a' hibiscus in my cages. I think they have to be watered very frequently and it depends on where the lighting is. If they are in the direct path of your heat source, they will die more quickly. I have had great success with them thriving in cages, flowering, etc. but then I have also had some serious losses (like, 5 or 6 days) too.
Your cham room looks great Olimpia! I like all of your chams too especially little Charlotte with her belly sucked in. :D
Thanks everyone! I used just some styrophome type baard you use for art projects. It's about 2 x 3 ft so I just used it to cover the top 3 feet of the cage, and left the bottom foot open for ventilation. They never hang out on the floor of the cage anyway, so I didn't think it would be a big deal leaving it open.

Texas Panther Man, you don't like my fancy bamboo shower curtain? :D I know it's not going to win any interior decor awards, but I thought at least it was fitting.

I actually haven't had very much success with hibiscus plants either, those are brand new from last night. But I'm going to see if now that they're under the daylight bulb they'll do better? Fingers crossed. Obviously little Charlotte loves eating them (and come on, pink flowers for my baby girl? Perfect :D) so I'd love to be able to have a plant that keep flowering up for her, but we'll see.

Thanks Jann! Charlotte loves helping me out with morning feedings... sort of! What she loves is sitting on my wrist while I fill up everyone's food bowls with worms or roaches and stealing herself a little snack :D
Aaahhh gotcha!! Well if that's the case than good thinking haha. What do you use between your cages? We have peg board we got from Lowes and that works insanely well because they can't see each other and there is still a maximum amount of air flow for them. Just figured I'd mention that incase you were in need of any extra "privacy" ideas :)

Hey, i like the pegboard idea! My 1st Chams will be here in 3 weeks & trying to get as many ideas for the setup as i can!:D
Hey, i like the pegboard idea! My 1st Chams will be here in 3 weeks & trying to get as many ideas for the setup as i can!:D

That's the way to do it! :D Read read read and read some more. I've learned some really great tips on here that you won't find on a website or book.
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