New Chameleon, best way to feed it?


New Member
Hi, I was wondering if someone could suggest the best way of me feeding my chameleon. I just bought him from the pet store last night, and this is the first time I will feed him today. He seems scared out of his mind, and I know they get very easily stressed. I'm trying to reduce his stress level as much as possible. The only time I handled him was helping him into his new terrarium. I won't attempt to handle him anymore than that, I really want him to be comfortable. The pet store is not sure of his age, but his body is roughly 2.5 inches long not including the tail. His tank is 12x12x18 and I will upgrade as he gets older.
I have gutloaded crickets I fed fresh fruits and veggies (carrots, pears, etc.) and will cover them in calcium with D3 supplements. I also have ready for him mealworms as well. I was wondering what would be best to stress him less, crickets or meal worms, and if I should let them loose in the cage or cup feed them to him. Here's a picture of the cage as I put him in last night. Any advise would be great thank you!!
You cannot give him that calcium with D3 everyday, give that to him twice a month. To much D3 is toxic. You have to buy calcium without D3 to give him everyday. You also need a multi vitamin to give him twice a month as well. I do not think any kind of food will stress him out but the crickets are better for him. I do both cup feeding and let the food roam the cage.
You cannot give him that calcium with D3 everyday, give that to him twice a month. To much D3 is toxic. You have to buy calcium without D3 to give him everyday. You also need a multi vitamin to give him twice a month as well. I do not think any kind of food will stress him out but the crickets are better for him. I do both cup feeding and let the food roam the cage.
Okay thank you for the advise, I'll pick up regular calcium today before I feed him. I already have the multivitamins for him.
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