New Chameleon Help please!


New Member
So, I just got my new chameleon (my first one). I have the cage set up pretty good. UVB/ Dripper, Live Plants, Heat lamp, etc.

My concern is, I put him in the cage and for the last several hours he has been hiding inside of the Hibiscus plant. Should I be concerned? Anything I can do?
Welcome aboard! :)

First of all, chameleons are all about hiding! The more they can hide, the better they will be. Since you ignored that fact, i suppose you are unaware of the stress affecting chameleon's health. In that case, i'll simply say to not manipulate him before a week, and not more than once a week.

Also, i strongly suggest that you fill this form: If you answer to all questions, we will be able to tell you if anything needs to be modified or not. Please write as much details as you can. Also, if you have any pictures of your enclosure and a good close-up of your chameleon, it will be very helpful. :) Trust me, it's worth filling that form!
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