New chameleon owner I rescued him in bad shape HELP ME!

Unfortunately he needed hospitalization which was going to be thousands and the vet said it still wouldn’t be promising. So I had you make the choice to have him put to sleep. I couldn’t let him suffer. So we are saying goodbyes to the sweet little creature.

Maybe I’ll get another one eventually if you guys think I can do it. Part of me feels defeated like I failed him some how being so new to this. But I really tried. didn’t realized how much love I had for him till I started sobbing over him. 💔💔💔 just happy he’s in a better place. And the pain stopped
I’m so so sorry! You gave him proper care for the first time in his life, which gave him more than we could ever know! He’s no longer in pain, which, however devastating, is the best thing for him. You’ve done the opposite of fail him, in fact you’ve done right by him the entire time you’ve known him! I’m so proud of you! Keep him in your heart, he’ll be missed by us on here, too! The love we feel for chameleons is just like any other family member, which can be surprising at first, but in the end shows that you are such a kind and caring human being! If you do decide to eventually get another chameleon, you can 1,000% do it, and we’ll be here supporting you every step of the way
I’m so sorry!!!! 😢 These decisions are never easy. He was able to see care and not suffer lonely with your hands. You trying to save him was beautiful and bittersweet. I’m proud of you for jumping in blind and giving him the best life you could. If you do ever decide to get another, definitely come back and share the journey! 😇
You were completely in it with him, I think you could definitely give another proper care and be a great keeper. Chameleons are way underestimated when it comes to enjoyment. Yes their husbandry is 💯 the most important thing but if someone is committed to that, they are really amusing little creatures. If you decide to go for it again we can recommend you to good breeders and other resources out there in addition to here on the forum if they haven’t already.
Nooo! 😞 😢 I’m so very sorry. You and Baldar fought so hard, but I guess the damage from before was just too much for him. It was a hard decision that you made, but one made with love and sadly, the right one for him. You underestimate all that you did for him. Without you, he would have continued to suffer a miserable bare existence until his poor body gave out…and then probably thrown in the trash by the a-hole that had him. Because of you, he knew what being cared for and about was like, he had his best chance of recovery and he was provided his dignity and so much more. You have no reason to question your ability to care for a chameleon. I did tell you before that caring for Baldar and restoring him to health would have been a challenge for an experienced keeper. Take time to heal. If you choose to get a chameleon again, start with a healthy one from a reputable breeder and no question, you’ll do fantastic. Of course, we’re all here for you for any help or cheerleading you may need.
Be at rest now, Baldar. Enjoy the beautiful trees of Heaven and the freedom from sickness. Shine on sweet boy. 💗
Adding this cause I spoke so highly of the vet that helped me with him. They were all so great and gave this to me. Idk if all vets offer this but thought this was really sweet.


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I'm so terrible sorry to read this, followed thread constantly and you 2 did amazing. Like most already the damage done to him by his previous owners was irreversible. You give him for the first time true love and care and made true loving decision (not the easiest) and Baldar will be forever thankful for that. R.I.P. Baldar 🙏 💚
I’m so sad for you. But you truly have done an amazing thing. You learned so much in such a short time. You were willing to take advice and listen and learn. That gave Baldar the best chance possible. You gave him the respect and love that he deserved. You went above and beyond for this sweet boy. I know he was thankful for you. When you decide to get another, we will be here. And this does not mean you have to go. You are always welcome here. ❤️❤️
I'm so sorry that it ended this way, but this is actually the beginning for you. When you are ready you will be very well prepared to bring home a new chameleon and care for them. Baldar would have been very difficult for even experienced keepers to rehabilitate, you did an amazing job and you need to remember you gave him a better quality of life than he had previously. Thinking of you.
so guys. IF i get a baby veiled. what do i need to have temp and humidity wise? i have googled things of course. I'm seeing 90-95 degrees for basking. and 10.0 for uvb??? to much info out there. I don't trust it. I trust you guys. so here I am. got the cage,plants,sticks (cage will be washed thoroughly and i will change the plants and sticks so all new. handling directions how muc, how much not to. how many bugs a day should i except. give me the full run down. I do plan on going back an going through all the info that was given to me in the beginning but i think it was more based around baldar (RIP). so no rush whatever you can give me for reading im here for it.
so guys. IF i get a baby veiled. what do i need to have temp and humidity wise? i have googled things of course. I'm seeing 90-95 degrees for basking. and 10.0 for uvb??? to much info out there. I don't trust it. I trust you guys. so here I am. got the cage,plants,sticks (cage will be washed thoroughly and i will change the plants and sticks so all new. handling directions how muc, how much not to. how many bugs a day should i except. give me the full run down. I do plan on going back an going through all the info that was given to me in the beginning but i think it was more based around baldar (RIP). so no rush whatever you can give me for reading im here for it.
Also has any one heard or had experience with the Cuban false chameleons? I saw a video of one while researching an they are kept the exact same and are a little more sturdy from my understanding. Im sure they dont count for this forum. But was wondering. they are SUPER cool looking.
I do not have experience with babies, however I wanted to tell you that you may have better luck finding a baby panther. Not many reputable breeders sell veiled chams. Panthers are much easier to get from a reputable breeder.
I do not have experience with babies, however I wanted to tell you that you may have better luck finding a baby panther. Not many reputable breeders sell veiled chams. Panthers are much easier to get from a reputable breeder.
why is that? what's wrong with the veiled's?
so guys. IF i get a baby veiled. what do i need to have temp and humidity wise? i have googled things of course. I'm seeing 90-95 degrees for basking. and 10.0 for uvb??? to much info out there. I don't trust it. I trust you guys. so here I am. got the cage,plants,sticks (cage will be washed thoroughly and i will change the plants and sticks so all new. handling directions how muc, how much not to. how many bugs a day should i except. give me the full run down. I do plan on going back an going through all the info that was given to me in the beginning but i think it was more based around baldar (RIP). so no rush whatever you can give me for reading im here for it.
So, the very best source for correct husbandry info is For babies or younger chameleons (under 3-4 months old) you want a cooler basking temp of no higher than 80. For the really tiny young babies, you might not even need a basking light until they are older. Babies like to screen walk upside down along the top (because they can) and that places them as high risk for burns. To prevent burns, it’s best to elevate your lights a few inches above the screen top. Just 2-3” is usually enough and I get small wire baskets from the dollar store to raise my lights. Uvb is still going to be a 5.0 or 6% for chameleons of any age. The amount to feed depends on age. Little ones under 3 months should be given as much as they can eat in about 20 minutes, twice a day. As they get older, feeding is reduced per their age.

Nothing is wrong with veileds, but there aren’t any dedicated breeders of them. There’s so many of them available at chain pet stores and they are so inexpensive, that those who breed them do so out of love for them.
If you don't have your heart set on a baby you can often find an adult in good health that needs to be re-homed. I'm about to get my third boy next week, all which have been re-homed, but are all in good shape. This time of year especially, when people have gone away to school and don't realize they can't take a chameleon with them you can find a bunch. But yes, there are VERY few dedicated breeders of veileds. If you do decide on a baby (they are super stinkin' cute), stay away from any younger than 2-3 months old, as they are a bit more sturdy at that point.
If you don't have your heart set on a baby you can often find an adult in good health that needs to be re-homed. I'm about to get my third boy next week, all which have been re-homed, but are all in good shape. This time of year especially, when people have gone away to school and don't realize they can't take a chameleon with them you can find a bunch. But yes, there are VERY few dedicated breeders of veileds. If you do decide on a baby (they are super stinkin' cute), stay away from any younger than 2-3 months old, as they are a bit more sturdy at that point.
I would absolutely be up for a rehome!
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