New homemade chameleon enclosures (lots of pictures)


Avid Member
Well i started this process 3 weeks ago.

Figured out my plan and ran to the home depot (first trip :D) to get my wood, stain/sealer.

Then i sanded it all down and started putting it together. Its 4 ft wide by 2 ft deep by 6 ft tall, with the enclosures each being 36 x 24 x 24.


Then i got all my wood cut for the trim and everything else and stained/sealed everything twice.



Got the screen on...

Then put the trim around to cover the staples holding the screen.
Then i made and put up the doors.

Let it sit outside for 2 1/2 weeks and now its in my rooms with fredo moved in :cool:





He has never cup fed till today. I made the door 1/4 inch bigger than i should of so free range crickets would get out if i didnt. Took the easy way and cutt half the middle and bottom of a milk jug out and glued screen to the OUTSIDE of it so he wont cut his tongue on the edges of the screen. He ate a few crickets 5 minutes after getting in his new pad.
Are you gonna put more stuff inside the cages? To fill out your empty spaces?
Btw, nice cages, im gonna build a single cage version of yours in a month once I move to upgrade my veiled into his 'big boy' cage.
Wondering what you are doing for drainage? I'm pretty much done with my custom cage, but trying to figure out the drainage is driving me crazy.
Looks good. Should be a nice home for your guys.
Question I have is how is the wooden floor working out? I forsee drainage and molding issues in your future.
I stained and sealed the floor so i shouldn't have a problem. But IF i do, It can easily be taken out and replaced.
Drainage i just drilled 5 small holes in the middle of the cage and the water goes through that and falls into that red bin at the bottom.

I think after EVERYTHING is was around 150 give or take.
I think it needs more foliage. Maybe hang the pothos from the top, and put an umbrella plant on the bottom. Vines are nice, but extra cover is important too. JMO
that is the size I want!
2x3x3's sooo hard to find ready made, and without the tools, or one of you coming out to build them for me, I dont see custom wood in my future!
not trying to hijack this thread
but sontigerpanthercham, i read your post and cool would it be to take a trip to a fellow member and build a cage together lol
that may sound a bit creeper lol but i loved building my custom cage, cant wait to start the next one :)
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