Hey guys this is me and my woman's new Jackson chameleon. As some of you know we just had a veiled chameleon that we are pretty sure had that bone disease so we ended up having to put him down. We were going to keep him but it was just too sad watching him suffer so we got the jackson cham and we really love him. I don't love his name, but i guess i have to live with a stupid fucking name like leon lol.
I have a question. I know with a veiled cham it is a male if it has that big spike thing on his head but i dont know how to tell between a male and female so is this guy a male or female, thanks.
I have a question. I know with a veiled cham it is a male if it has that big spike thing on his head but i dont know how to tell between a male and female so is this guy a male or female, thanks.