New Jacksons


New Member
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen...16"L X 16"W X 20"H
Lighting - What I have right now is a hood with UV lamp, blue 75w day bulb & the red night bulb which is also 75w.
Temperature - Right now at top of cage temp shows 86 (at the very top by the lights)
Plants - Live plants, Ficus tree & he also has 3 other plants that I cannot remember the names of right now however when bought them I looked them up to make sure they were safe.
Location - We are in CT

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Charlie is a male Jackson's Chameleon. Age is unknown but I've had him 2 weeks.
Handling - He really seems to like to be handled... I take him out whenever he comes to me, I don't force him
Feeding - Crickets mostly. I tried some wax worms, butterworms & mealworms but he does not seem interested in worms at all.
Supplements - Rep-Cal multivitamins & calcium which is what the pet store sold me.
Watering - Well I have a dripper & I mist a few times a day to assist with the humidity & plants too
Do you see your chameleon drinking? Yes, Ive seen him drink pretty much every day
Fecal Description-- Brown. Seems to have no issues going.
Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about.
Well Im a little concerned about his mouth, seems like he's turning a bit yellow. I do see him drink almost every day but it worries me a bit. He's already going through a shed, starting from his feet it seems. Just looking for general advice on him... Want to make sure Im doing everything I can 4 him.
Pictures are helpful


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first of all, you shouldnt have a night light, chameleons need complete darkness, DONT HANDLE YOUR CHAM! itll stress him out, hes probably an import with a parasite load, monitor him and try to get a fecal for the vet. jacksons like cool humid temps. your cage is good but can we see the plants? is there white in his poop at all? i dont see any problems with his mouth. are the UVB lights you have on him coiled or linear, you should just get a normal spotlight bulb for a basking area of no more than 90 id say try to keep it at 85.
Most of the jacksons I've owned have had yellow-ish mouths, but I'd be concerned if it's a change you just noticed.

I'd get rid of the 'night light' - you won't need it unless your house temps drop below 60F or so. A drop in temps at night is beneficial to most chameleons. I would also try to not handle him so much, even if he seems to want to come out. It's possible he's just trying to escape by going up the nearest tall object.

How often do you supplement with the Ca and vitamins?
jackson's help

always glad to help with or discuss jackson's issues but would need some really good really close up photos to have a chance of helping with anything like that , feel free to pm or email me PS FROM WHAT I CAN GATHER SO FAR , YOUR TEMPS ARE TOO HIGH AND YOUR ENVIROMENT TOO DRY , JACKSONS REQUIRE A MOIST COOLER ENVIROMENT THAN MOST CHAMS AND THEY SHOULD BE LEFT IN IT
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