Chameleon Enthusiast
hey all i just got a 4month ambanja yesterday. I wanted to post a few pics of his enclosure and him that i took real quick to see if theres anything i can be doing differently. He came out of the box with bright blue and green, but has been staying a dark brownish color occassionally showing a few colors, but still the solid brown base. Everything i'm told and read said this is totally normal from shipping though. He's pretty scared Obviously so i'm trying to leave him alone as much as possible while staying quiet when i feed/mist/clean.
His cage is an 18"L 18"W 36"T
It's ony temporary for a few months until i move him into a large atrium dragon strand cage.
His cage is an 18"L 18"W 36"T
It's ony temporary for a few months until i move him into a large atrium dragon strand cage.