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Hello everyone,
i'm Carlo from Rome, Italy, and i can say i'm a proud caretaker of a wonderful Veiled Chameleon.
He's with me since the 17th of october, he was 4-5 months old when i bought it (the age was not sure), and he has already shed 2 times, last one just 2 days ago. He has already grown a lot! i follow your infos and caresheets ( and i read almost everything there's in the net about veiled chameleons :D) just to be sure he's fine! it's a dream i have had as long as i can remember.
I'm lucky he's a super wonderful guy, never hissed or even got the black spots, except one time he got really scared by a glass thermometer...i promptly removed it and he was super sweet again! he lives in a terrarium i built myself, and eats gutloaded crickets + some treats. he doesn't seem to like vegetables yet, except one time he bit a leaf of the ficus in the enclosure. He drinks from a drip system i built myself, and sometimes licking the leaves. He looks healthy (at least to my yet unexperienced eye) and i just wanted to share it with other enthusiasts.
here are 2 pics, one of the day i met him (still in the pet shop),the second from the 10th of november.


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He seems a lot healthier now than when you brought him, he looked a little skinny in the shop so your doing a food job. Only thing you didn't mention misting, drippers are great but you also want to mist if you arnt already
thanks! he eats a lot :) sure i mist him regularly, kinda 2-3 times a day (it's winter here).
thank you! his name is Morbidone (it's an italian word, it means something like softy) it was the name of my girlfriend's teddy bear :D thanks for the caresheet, and yes i already saw you recommend it around older posts, and added it to my favourite links :) the only thing i'm not too comfortable about, is that at night the temperatures don't drop in our house, they stay the same as in the day (except the basking lamp is off, so ofc there's no heat source on). To clarify, during daytime the temps range in the terrarium, from the basking spot to the bottom, 90 to 68 F, while at night it's a plain 66-68. I keep feeding him all he can eat everyday (and it's a lot of crickets), waiting till he's 11-12 months old and then switch to every other day, as i read around. I'll add a picture of him taken just today, he's starting to get some adult colours i guess! he should be 5-6 months old, but if someone can give their opinion about his age, it would be great. he's grown a lot since the day i got him.


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Morbidone looks great! From the size compared to my little boy (4 months) I would say closer to 6 months, but they can grow at different rates. If you want to create a little more temperature variance from top to bottom, try using a second basking bulb. This works well for me, and there is plenty of variance from top to bottom.
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