New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled chameleon 2 mos old I've had 5 days
Handling - 3 of the 5 days ive had him ive handled him, hes only turned color the times ive mentioned below, he comes to me when i offer him my hand in his cage and seems to just explore while im holding him, and ill let him walk around off of my body with no problems, or color changes.
Feeding - small cricket i keep them in a cricket cage with this flukers brand orange cube complete cricket diet, hes only eaten once since ive had him, the pet store only fed them once every 3 days im offering everyday but hes only eaten once.
Supplements - i dust them with multi vitamin and calcium with d3 ,flukers brand
Watering - i have the shallowest dish, no possible way he can drowned, i mist the entire cage and all the live plant, which are all thats in the cage, 3 times a day when i work 4 when im not working. i have a dripper but i find it to be just a puddle making device and have choosen to mist as often as i can, his humidity never drops below 50%
Fecal Description - dark bit and white bit stick to leave only seen 2 since ive had him, but im not rummaging through his cage too invasivly (<dont thing thats a work) at this point thought it'd be good to give him some peace for a little bit, i cleaned up what i saw though
History - no hx other than metioned
Cage Info:
Cage Type -all glass, mesh top 10 gal. yes aquarium style, for now i understand he need the open mesh, but id rather have him in something smaller while hes so tiny, i completely intend on moving to a large open style as soon as he gets some body to him.
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - two thermometer upper right and lower left, during the day basking at 84 steady, lower thermometer at about 72. apparently digital is better and that will be my next trip to the pet shop
Humidity - humidity measured with one of those hygrometer things, always 50% or higher, maintains itself well with live plants and my misting
Plants - live pothos plant about 2 ft long or so, jade plant, and one other i cant remember the name and a schefflera arboricola growing in the house for his next cage. and i changed soil and cleaned plants to avoid dangerous fertilizers and what nots.
Placement - this cage is in my bed room lower level of a two cages stand, low traffic it is a bedroom. no vents near him.
Location - chicago, il
Current Problem - no problems so far, just had a few things to clear up, listed below.
Just a few basics, I've gotten conflicting info. on during my many hours of research.
1. I read in that the UVA/UVB light should only be on 4 hours, I think that was only for baby's though. In conjunction with that question how old is adult, as a general rule?
2. my baby turns slightly to moderate brown from his normal bright green at certain times, like once when i took him outside he turned poop brown and as soon as we went back inside green again. another time i had him on my right hand and switched him to my left so i could do something, and he started to speckled just a little dark. i didn't want to upset him so i offered him the right hand again and he went right to his last spot same finger and all and instantly back to bright green. It seems like his mood is sensitive or is it not as drastic as it seems?
3. The pet store had him on a schedule of feeding once every 3 days. I would rather change him to everyday, is this a good idea? if so is it best just to offer everyday until he figures it out?
4. how old until i can put him in his permanent adult cage? Is it necessary to have a mist machine with his adult cage? i can keep his humidity high on his 10 gal. but i know that'll change.?.?.
5. how often will he shed as growing, if cared for well?
thanks for any advice!
Your Chameleon - veiled chameleon 2 mos old I've had 5 days
Handling - 3 of the 5 days ive had him ive handled him, hes only turned color the times ive mentioned below, he comes to me when i offer him my hand in his cage and seems to just explore while im holding him, and ill let him walk around off of my body with no problems, or color changes.
Feeding - small cricket i keep them in a cricket cage with this flukers brand orange cube complete cricket diet, hes only eaten once since ive had him, the pet store only fed them once every 3 days im offering everyday but hes only eaten once.
Supplements - i dust them with multi vitamin and calcium with d3 ,flukers brand
Watering - i have the shallowest dish, no possible way he can drowned, i mist the entire cage and all the live plant, which are all thats in the cage, 3 times a day when i work 4 when im not working. i have a dripper but i find it to be just a puddle making device and have choosen to mist as often as i can, his humidity never drops below 50%
Fecal Description - dark bit and white bit stick to leave only seen 2 since ive had him, but im not rummaging through his cage too invasivly (<dont thing thats a work) at this point thought it'd be good to give him some peace for a little bit, i cleaned up what i saw though
History - no hx other than metioned
Cage Info:
Cage Type -all glass, mesh top 10 gal. yes aquarium style, for now i understand he need the open mesh, but id rather have him in something smaller while hes so tiny, i completely intend on moving to a large open style as soon as he gets some body to him.
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - two thermometer upper right and lower left, during the day basking at 84 steady, lower thermometer at about 72. apparently digital is better and that will be my next trip to the pet shop
Humidity - humidity measured with one of those hygrometer things, always 50% or higher, maintains itself well with live plants and my misting
Plants - live pothos plant about 2 ft long or so, jade plant, and one other i cant remember the name and a schefflera arboricola growing in the house for his next cage. and i changed soil and cleaned plants to avoid dangerous fertilizers and what nots.
Placement - this cage is in my bed room lower level of a two cages stand, low traffic it is a bedroom. no vents near him.
Location - chicago, il
Current Problem - no problems so far, just had a few things to clear up, listed below.
Just a few basics, I've gotten conflicting info. on during my many hours of research.
1. I read in that the UVA/UVB light should only be on 4 hours, I think that was only for baby's though. In conjunction with that question how old is adult, as a general rule?
2. my baby turns slightly to moderate brown from his normal bright green at certain times, like once when i took him outside he turned poop brown and as soon as we went back inside green again. another time i had him on my right hand and switched him to my left so i could do something, and he started to speckled just a little dark. i didn't want to upset him so i offered him the right hand again and he went right to his last spot same finger and all and instantly back to bright green. It seems like his mood is sensitive or is it not as drastic as it seems?
3. The pet store had him on a schedule of feeding once every 3 days. I would rather change him to everyday, is this a good idea? if so is it best just to offer everyday until he figures it out?
4. how old until i can put him in his permanent adult cage? Is it necessary to have a mist machine with his adult cage? i can keep his humidity high on his 10 gal. but i know that'll change.?.?.
5. how often will he shed as growing, if cared for well?
thanks for any advice!
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