New set-up questions


New Member
I recently moved my 3 chams(1 male and female Jackson both 1 year and 1 male veild about 5 months) onto a long table in 3 separate cages. What is the best thing to use to separate the cages so they cannot see each other? Also, will switching their environment like this cause them a lot of stress?
Any feedback is much appreciated! :D
I would use a peice of corrugated plastic. It's completely solid comes in many colors easy to cut and can get wet by misting with no problems..and with moving cages it'll take settling time but they love exploring new stuff. I switch it up every once In awhile for fun for them.and me.

And corrugated plastic on the sides will help keep humidity a bit.
I agree with reptilover, coroplast I think its called, will provide a good, sturdy, cheap barrier.

Cardboard or any plastic will technically work though.

They may take a bit to settle in, but it shouldnt take very long, maybe a few days.
Ok, great! I know how sensitive they are so I get really paranoid LOL. Can I get that plastic at Home Depot?
Ok, great! I know how sensitive they are so I get really paranoid LOL. Can I get that plastic at Home Depot?

Possibly, sign shops use it a lot, and you can get it from them for sure.

Dont be too paranoid! A change of scenery every once in a while can do them good!

I change my jacksons enclosure up every month or so, when I do a deep cleaning.
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