New to the forum.


New Member
Hello, I am new to the forum but have loved Chameleons and all reptiles for years! I keep 2 cherryhead redfoot tortoises, a russian dwarf hamster and indian stick insects. I would keep more but I currently live in a student property and do not want to risk it!
I have a degree in Marine Biology but would like to move into the pet industry asap.
I keep my tortoises in a vivarium as they are a species who like humidity and I also feel glass terrariums for Chameleons are a good middleground between the heat loss of screen mesh enclosures and wooden vivarium enclosures as they provide both heat insulation, humidity and airflow.
I hope to get into Chameleons when I get my own property next year and am choosing between a Yemen or Pygmy Chameleon.
Welcome to the forums! This is a great place to learn about chameleons. I keep veileds, panthers and have a parsonii and each is an absolute pleasure to care for. Jann
Welcome, spend a bit of time with us and you will be all ready to have that first chameleons. We will enjoy you being part of us and asking questions ti make us think.:D
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