New Member
My boyfriend and I got a baby veiled chameleon yesterday. We have a very nice set up. (It is a cage kit from Petco that is specifically for chameleons) I personally have never owned a reptile before but my boyfriend has had about 8 different species of desert reptiles but never a tropical one. Moving on to my concerns. When I did further research I did find out that most of these things are normal for the first week but I want more opinions. When we first got him and moved him into his new home, he hid in the plant that we put in there and did not really do much else for the rest of the day. That I did expect because he's getting comfortable with his surroundings. Today he has just been bizarre. At one point today he climbed upside down on one of his vines, opened his mouth, and did like a cringe motion. I thought he might be too hot or dehydrated so I resprayed his plants and moved his light away from his main plant. I have noticed he hasn't pooped yet, or if he has I haven't noticed or I don't see his poop anywhere. We put small meal worms and small crickets in his enclosure and he hasn't seemed interested at all. My main concern is that he isn't drinking water. I have never seen him even get close to the drip system we have set up for the time being. He seems completely uninterested in everything. His temperature in his cage is 75 degrees Fahrenheit and has been since we got him. I am inserting some pictures of him and his set up. That being said I realize his set up is kind of messy right now since we got him yesterday we are still situating where his vines and everything will be placed. There could be nothing wrong he could just be adjusting to his new home I just think its weird that I haven't seen him eat or drink anything. Also he is an investment and I want to make sure we are doing everything in our power to make him comfortable.