Hi I got a chameleon at petco two days ago I bought it with the repitbreeze kit or whatever. I looks to be about a month old and I just want to know if I should keep his lights on (heat and the uv) during the night I currently turn them off when I notice he goes to sleep around 8.
I’ve tried feeding him the meal worms I bought and he just won’t Im worried he’s gonna die cause he’s not eating
also I’ve been misting his enclosure about 10 times a day for one min straight because I have a very small spray bottle about 1 floz (I do this cause I read that you should spray them about twice a day for 5 mins straight but you see my bottle can’t contain enought water for me to spray him 5 mins straight so I just break it up into tiny increments that add up to 5 mins I guess) pls let me know if this is wrong
other than that he climbs around his pad and stuff and gets under the heat lamp to warm up mainly concerned that he hasn’t ate since I’ve got him. Could he just be getting used to his new home? I’ve tried hand feeding them to him and I’ve left a tray that he can climb too with some meal worms in there but he hasn’t touched them
I’ve tried feeding him the meal worms I bought and he just won’t Im worried he’s gonna die cause he’s not eating
also I’ve been misting his enclosure about 10 times a day for one min straight because I have a very small spray bottle about 1 floz (I do this cause I read that you should spray them about twice a day for 5 mins straight but you see my bottle can’t contain enought water for me to spray him 5 mins straight so I just break it up into tiny increments that add up to 5 mins I guess) pls let me know if this is wrong
other than that he climbs around his pad and stuff and gets under the heat lamp to warm up mainly concerned that he hasn’t ate since I’ve got him. Could he just be getting used to his new home? I’ve tried hand feeding them to him and I’ve left a tray that he can climb too with some meal worms in there but he hasn’t touched them