New With Some Questions


New Member
I am not yet a chameleon owner but I have done a pretty fair amount of research and I think I know what I want and was hoping to get some advice. I am very partial towards the veileds and was wondering where was a good place to order one from? I do like the more vibrantly colored lines and I would be after a male. I was also wondering if it would be likely that I could hand/tong feed one from the start? Where I live they dont mind an animal but have live crickets would take much convincing if at all. I think I have a good understanding on the set-up and watering along with lighting. My biggest question would be if I could use a variety of the canned or packaged insects and be ok? Thank you all the site is a wealth of knowledge that I hope to contribute to someday soon.
I love veileds! I have two 9 month old Veileds right now. You can hand feed them but crickets give them exercise and don't halt their hunting instincts. They tend to be partial toward being held( some dont like it) my boy tends to crawl on my arm when i put it in the cage. I got Them from they arrived over night and ready to hide. few days later no problems eating crickets.
I was hoping I could do something like that. I think I may be able to have some live ones on occasion but inspections are random. I do like the idea of handling them more than just to clean the cage. If people do have pics of their veileds and where they got them so I can make a more informed decision that would be awesome.
Hi there and welcome to the forum. I know a few people with baby veileds and you give you some names. Your problem with using the canned or dry food is it doesn't provide much nutrition for your chameleon. If not cricket could you get away with some small, quiet worms? There are a few type of those you could use a good part of the time. Just an idea.
I could probably use something like that as long as I could keep them hidden when I am not there. I see what you mean with them need the live ones so I could control nutrition. Any advice on any aspect would be awesome. Again thanks for the info already.
silkworms are a good feeder. You can order them online in quanitity from either Mulberry Farms or Coastal Silkworms
I think I will be going through Chameleons Northwest . The starter kit the have looks very good and the price of chameleon is very resonable. I sent them an e-mail last night and had a reply in less than twenty min.
Cage set-up ordered today from Chameleons Northwest. Should be ordering the male veiled from them next week. Should look a lot like Memphis from another recent thread. I cant wait to get him here and get started:D
welocme to the wonderfull world of chams and the forum. be sure to post some pics of your setup and your new lil gus when he arrives. :)
how exciting! I loved my veiled he was quite friendly. have fun man and make sure you get everything ready before you introduce him to his environment. When i was a noob i went a month without a uvb bulb... ;(
If you are ordering your cham from Northwest, have them put some butter worms in for you cham. They are quiet, stay in the frig and you don't have to feed them. Ordering from Northwest is great, they have wonderful quality chams.
The butterworms are a great idea when I have him coming. I am so excited I dont think I will see him until about the 21st though sadly
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