
New Member
Hey everyone! , I am new to the forums! I have had my chameleons for about a year now, maybe longer. I currently have a female veiled, a translucent, and a brand new ambilobe, I just got a few weeks ago! She is almost 3 months old and is growing like a little bean sprout! I love love love all three of my chams! They all have their own personality, sass, charm, etc! They are the only three pets, so we have quite a bit of time with them... Just observing, and learning more and more everyday! My two veileds are from a petstore who ordered them from underground reptiles. (Coolest guy ever!) The owner of the petstore takes pride in his reptiles, especially his chameleons, he tamed himself from babies. My panther, on the other hand, my dad saw her at a petco and fell in love! Plus my birthday is coming up! ;) like I said, I only ever had veiled chams, and have heard that their care differs from that of veiled.. I just wanted to thank the chameleon forum family for eveything in advance!!
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