Newbie alert!! Can anoyone help out?


New Member
So i'm new to chameleon keeping. I'm looking to get a jackson's chameleon and was wondering what supplements it will need, how often it needs them and how to gutload it's food.
You're going to love having a Jackson's. They are just the coolest :)

The care sheet SaintJimmy posted is absolutely the best place to get started. Do lots of searching and reading on the forum, too. Some things are easy to get set up; others like lighting, feeding, and supplements might seem a bit confusing at first. The people here are very kind and knowledgeable; they were wonderful when I was getting everything set up for my Jackson's, so don't be shy.

Any questions and we are here to help!
That seems like such little supplementation for the d3 and multivitamins, why so little?

I think because they spend more time in the shade than other chams?

It says something about that on the caresheet.

Ah here;

"As a montane species (native to higher altitudes) Jackson's have decreased supplementation requirements compared to tropical species due to metabolism differences."
Most of their D# they make by having proper UVB lighting, but they still need the tiny boost from suppliments. The Multivitamins, they get from their food when it is properly gut-loaded (feed good food to your bugs) but again, the little bit of suppliment during the month just gives a little boost.
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