

New Member
When we first got our chameleon we left a light on at night for heat, the past two nights I've turned it off (after getting advice on here to turn it off) and she sleeps to go straight to sleep until I turn it back on in the morning (of course I don't know the in between hours since I'm not awake) but she still sleeps some during the day, how long should it take to fix this or is she sleeping for a different reason?
Also is it okay for younger chameleons to sleep during the day or should they always be awake?
no, she should not be sleeping during the day at all. Chams only sleep at night. Sleeping during the day can suggest an illness is present or it could be something else is off in your set up such as your lighting, temps etc. Please post a pic of your set up and fill out the ask for help form in the health clinic. click on the green forums tab, then health clinic and you can copy and paste the form.
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