nip tails?


New Member
Hey I have seen a few nip tailed chameleons here and there on the market, dunno if its a trend but it seems like they come a little bit after spring, perhaps the time when a lot of new new clutches are hatched and have had time to raise possibly? just a guess

obviously with all the babies running around there are bound to be a few mishaps and i'm more trying to learn how this happens, not downing people who are selling them, because i will buy them all day long if i can.

but my question to you is how in your experience or do you think, this actually happens?

bite? pull? male vs male?

thanks for any input

and on that note, who out there has nip tails that are doing great in captivity?

I think it would be great to get a nipped tailed one because out of the ones i've seen i'd say half were diamonds in the rough
"Nippy" here is a nip tail Nosy. She does fine except for the rare misjudgement of grabbing something with her tail and missing resulting in a fall. I often think that she thinks she still has her entire tail. She had her tail bitten off by a clutch mate when very young. The nip tails are usually caused in just that way or another cage related injury. I would not hesitate to buy them! They may look a little different but they breed just the same and make great pets!
Here is my nipped tail blue bar ambi female named Sarabi: (then)


I think when they are kept together when they are younger they bite.....
Sarabi's absence of a small portion of her tail does not seem to affect her too much at all. I would assume, the more that is missing, the more issues you are going to see :D.
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