no camera when you need it


Retired Moderator
I came in today to a perfect picture with no camera.:( I have cut back on all the food for my chams. While I was gone my hubby over fed them as usual. Today I can in to see Tuffy, my quad, still sitting on her food dish after sleeping there last night. She is very much trying to tell me something.:D It is really hard to not feed her when she wants it but she will get used to it.
I came in today to a perfect picture with no camera.:( I have cut back on all the food for my chams. While I was gone my hubby over fed them as usual. Today I can in to see Tuffy, my quad, still sitting on her food dish after sleeping there last night. She is very much trying to tell me something.:D It is really hard to not feed her when she wants it but she will get used to it.

Aww! Bless her - nothing like dropping mammoth hints, is there?! I'm sure she'll get used to it too - it's us that have the problems with the amount of food we think they should or shouldn't be eating!:eek:
Reminds me of when Thaxter found the cricket cage and decided he'd like to spend the rest of the day "guarding" it, even though he couldn't get at the bugs - he said in no uncertain terms that his was a wonderful resource he had discovered, and he was not going to leave!
Lol its alwase the girls who are the fatties. uhh oh ladies dont take that personal I was talking about the chams. My girls would have ate anything at any time.


Haven't seen any updated pics in a while.. hmmm... where is Jet... he was not mentioned, I bet he is upset.. looking for some new photos of "our" quads soon.. oh by the way how are the eggs, are they still doing well? We still have the 20 good Quad eggs that should hatch in about 4 months at the longest.. oh and our young new female just laid 11 good eggs.. no relation to our babies or to Jet.. maybe a girlfriend in the future???

I hate those times when you should have had a camera handy.

I try to think positive and one thing I can say is that it works the other way around too; There are MANY times I am quite pleased noone has a camera. There could be a lot more discriminating pictures of me out there than there already is...
LOL Laurie that would be worth over feeding for a couple of days to try and get the same behavior on tape next time you starve the poor lil dear.
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