No Worms In My Area

I've looked at as many places i could think of and no hornworms, silkworms, or phoenix worm. Also no roaches. All we got here is crickets, mealworms, waxworms, superworms, and fruitflys. Anyway of ordering some? Website recommendations?
Also check out eBay. Coastal Silkworms & Josh's Frogs as well as other well-known suppliers sell their feeders on eBay, often for less than on their main websites!
Mulberry Farms and Great Lakes Hornworms. Mulberry has silks and horns. I use Coastal for silks and they are great!
I just got some hornworms from Great Lakes Hornworms. I got two cups of 25 worms each for about 30 dollars with shipping. The website says 25 in a cup but the ones I got had more, one had like 28 and the other had almost 35. When I got them only two worms were dead but I didn't care because I got so many extra. I live in Wisconsin so the worms only spent a day and half in transit. I am very happy with Great Lakes Hornworms.
I just got some hornworms from Great Lakes Hornworms. I got two cups of 25 worms each for about 30 dollars with shipping. The website says 25 in a cup but the ones I got had more, one had like 28 and the other had almost 35. When I got them only two worms were dead but I didn't care because I got so many extra. I live in Wisconsin so the worms only spent a day and half in transit. I am very happy with Great Lakes Hornworms.
Mulberry Farms and Great Lakes Hornworms. Mulberry has silks and horns. I use Coastal for silks and they are great!
I'll have to check them out. I live in North Dakota. I ordered some phoenix worms from rainbow mealworms. Will have to see how they do.
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