normal behavior?

Countryside Chams

New Member
hi everyone i received my baby ambanja on thurs. he seems to be eating fruit flies and houseflies alright, and although i havent seen him drink i believe that he is. he shows no interest whatsoever in his basking light. he likes to just sit in the schefflera under the uvb(5.0 linear tube) i know that they need awhile to get used to everything, but was wondering if this was normal with the uvb. thanks in advance for the replies. also how long should i wait before i try to het him out of his cage? i dont want to stress him.
I'm not sure if you have posted your setup yet, but make sure it is not too hot for him. Babies (especially very young) can overheat quickly. How old is your guy? It may also be, as you said, just adjusting. As for coaxing him out of his cage that shouldn't be a priority. Give him plenty of time to get used to his surroundings. For now just be there for putting his food in, supplying water and the usual. In time you might want to offer him food from your hand so he knows you are not just the big giant who comes in - think about it from his perspective :eek:

Cyrus was quite feisty as a youngster. He mellowed considerably with time and is about as handleable as my beardie, but this just happens to be him, it does not hold true for all of them.
i wouldnt focus on the cage either but i would give him a week to adjust then try watching him eat or drink, just so he gets used to you being there, and then u can try to hold him if he wants to though most babies wont bite watch his colors if he stresses put him back.
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