Normal behaviour?


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Nosy Faly Panther, male, and 3.5 months, been in my care for 1.5 weeks
Handling - Never
Feeding - gut-loaded, calcium dusted crickets, hornworms, silkworms
Supplements - rep-cal calcium every feeding, d3 twice a month
Watering - Misting 2-3 times per day for about 1-2 minutes each time
Fecal Description - healthy looking, white urates - have yet to see him drink
History - came from a reputable breeder, he cup-fed and free ranged the cham I now own.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reptibreeze XL - 2X2X4', aluminum mesh
Lighting - 50W household, reptisun 5.0
Temperature - 70-high 80's daytime, 70ish nighttime
Humidity - above 60-80% - basement is naturally humid.
Plants - Braided money tree (pachira acquatica) - many forum users said it was safe and many others use it. Also use fake vines and bamboo sticks.
Placement - Basement, in a room with a bearded dragon cage (Chameleon and BD cannot see each other) The only human traffic is me walking in to check on him. Top of cage is about 6'2" tall.
Location - Toronto, Canada

Current Problem - He seems dark a lot of the time and when I mist him/the enclosure some colours come out. But, usually stays dark greyish to even darker through times of the day.

He doesn't eat as much as other forum members chameleons eat. I let some crickets and worms free range because he doesn't seem the eat out of his cup. I can't really tell if he eats the free-range bugs or maybe they are just hiding.

I'll attach some pictures of him and his enclosure!

In the enclosure picture, the paper tower/card board you see at the bottom is an artificial floor I made for easier cleaning, I'm using that until I make a drain for my enclosure :)


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your Reptisun looks too small for that size cage. Your cage looks very dark except in that one spot. I would get a 24 inch fixture that fits the width of the cage. I think the cage needs to be brightened up and maybe your chameleon will too! I don't think there is anything wrong with him. Also get him outside for natural UVB. It is the best thing for him and you may see him display colors he never has before when brought outdoors.
everything seems fine, but your temps seem a little low. try raising the temps to about 85 degrees basking temp. you cham may be too cool to want to eat, low temps for some species will result in poor metabolism, which will result in non-proper digestion, and regular appetite. this could also be a great factor in the dark coloration of the cham.

hope this helps
your Reptisun looks too small for that size cage. Your cage looks very dark except in that one spot. I would get a 24 inch fixture that fits the width of the cage. I think the cage needs to be brightened up and maybe your chameleon will too! I don't think there is anything wrong with him. Also get him outside for natural UVB. It is the best thing for him and you may see him display colors he never has before when brought outdoors.

i know the reptisun is a bit small, but i have it positioned to hit him at all times! I'll try and add another low watt bulb to brighten it up, it's just the tree provides a lot of shade!

I tried to get him to bring him outside, but he hisses and tries to bite me! what could I do about that?

Thank you :)
I would try to get him outdoors more while the weather here is still nice. My Faly is about eight months and loves it outside. Colors up way nicer than indoors.
everything seems fine, but your temps seem a little low. try raising the temps to about 85 degrees basking temp. you cham may be too cool to want to eat, low temps for some species will result in poor metabolism, which will result in non-proper digestion, and regular appetite. this could also be a great factor in the dark coloration of the cham.

hope this helps

My basking spot is 85-88 F, I'm going to try and add more lights in the enclosure to brighten it up!

Thanks for the response!
I would try to get him outdoors more while the weather here is still nice. My Faly is about eight months and loves it outside. Colors up way nicer than indoors.

I tried, I can't get him to come near me without trying to bite me! I think I'm going to try wearing thick gloves so he knows not to bite the hand that feeds!
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