Nosey Faly's anybody???


New Member
can someone help to point me in the right direction. im looking for a nosey faly, with some photos of the actual sire and im not really doing to good on the hunt myself :confused:. Maybe someone knows someone?? thanks :)
I don't think much are available here in the US currently. I've seen a few threads that have pics of recent hatchlings nosy faly so in a couple months we should start to see more for sell I hope!
I have bought from vince at screameleons before, great stuff!!. but i dont think he has any available right now. thanks for the suggestion though. my best best is proboly to pre-order with him.
Cool thats what im hoping to start hearing, im pretty anxtious but i figure its gonna take a little while to find them. thanks
I'm in Canada and bought mine from Drew at Chameleon Nation. He is a sponsor here and has shipped south of the border before.
ya just haveta keep ya eyes open they pop up here an there usually when ya not ready is what ive found, i found one here in the states from chameleon nation hes awesome, im always lookin for another.. good luck there will be some soon..
We've been looking into Nosy Faly's as well, though we don't have the room for a third chameleon right now on top of the gecko we also have. They are so absolutely gorgeous.
I'm in Canada as well. Just got one from Drew at Chameleon Nation. He is about four months old. They do ship south of the border too.
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