Not being very active


New Member
I've noticed lately my veiled isn't eating very well, he is drinking a bit (I THINK) and he isn't being very active. He is awake but mainly just staying in the same place quite often. He does move now and then but no where near as much as when I first got him. Here's a pic not all that great but still.

He never closes his eyes unless asleep or being misted.
I'm using a 38Gal flexarium (soon be upgrading to a 18x18x36 aluminium screen)
10.0 reptisun uvb tube
40W basking light
What else do I need to tell?
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 38 Gallon Flexarium from Exo Terra
Lighting - 10.0 UVB Tube + 40w Incandecent bulb from 9am til 9 pm
Temperature - Around 93-96F night drops about 10 degrees roughly
Humidity - usually around 30-50
Plants - weeping fig and I think an umbrella plant
Location - On top of a chest of draws the bottom of the enclosure is approx 4ft off the ground

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, male 7 Months old (Roughly)
Feeding - Crickets, (occasional Mealies and locusts) I have only been gut loading with potatoes but thats mainly to keep the crickets full up so they dont try to much my lizards (as I have 2 leopard geckos)
Supplements - Calypso calcium powder(no d3) and Euro Rep Repton insect dusting suppliment (its an all in one)
Watering - Manual Misting 2-3 times a day for around 5 minutes and sometimes a home made 'dripper' which is a plastic cup with a pin poked through. I see him licking his lips etc when I mist sometimes.
Fecal Description - Solid poo not to runny the whites has a tiny bit of yellow in sometimes more than others.
History - Erm kept in a roughly 20x20x20 glass enclosure in the shop up until around 5 months old when I brought him. The enclosure had vents in the back of it. They use 8.0 reptiglo tubes I think and no basking light as they are usually young chams and go quite quickly.
Current Problem - I'm not sure if its a problem but I've noticed lately my veiled isn't eating very well, he is drinking a bit (I THINK) and he isn't being very active. He is awake but mainly just staying in the same place quite often. He does move now and then but no where near as much as when I first got him.
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