Not eating!


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled, female, about 1 year old. Owned for a year.
Handling - Occasionally let her out when she looks like she wants out.
Feeding - I feed her every other day. Usually crickets, but recently been feeding just superworms because I bought a tub of them and want to use them up first before they die. I use no D3 dusting every day and with D3 dusting once a month.
Watering - I have a drip system set up on top of the cage and also spray her daily.
Fecal Description - brown with white urate.
History - she's been super healthy and active.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 24x24x48 screened.
Lighting - UVB and heat in one from Powersun.
Temperature - Day temp is 90, night temp is 70.
Humidity - I use a hydrometer to get the humidity level and it is 80.
Plants - Just fake plants.
Placement - It is in the corner of my room on a small shelf so it's at eye level when we walk by.
Location - central/northern USA

Current Problem - This past week or so when I put her little cup of food in the cage for her I noticed that the worms would still be there the next day. So I have been getting her out every other day and trying to hand feed her. Well, let me back up, I set a worm on the floor while I had her out to get her to eat it and she went to get it but every time she did, her tongue would always go out about an inch short from the worm like her depth perception was off or something, which is wierd because she seems to see just fine when she's climbing around or whatnot. She did this three or four times until I put the worm in front of her face, like touching her mouth and she opened up and ate it. I've been doing this all week until yesterday she refused to open her mouth. And when I gently forced it open a little and put the worm in, she spit it right back out. Three times. Idk why she's not eating! Help!
have you have a used a multivitamin with vitamin A and do you gutload your feeders? Could be an eye issue if she is missing but you say she is not extending her tongue which could be other things.
Also, I'm not sure if this is a problem or what, but she's been falling out of her tree a lot and I thought something might be wrong with her grip, but when I get her out and she climbs on me, she grips so hard it hurts sometimes, so I don't know why she's been falling from her tree so much or if it has anything to do with this.
can we see photos of her and her cage please?

Also, her basking temp is way too high. it needs to be no higher than 84 to prevent large egg production.
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