Not Growing



My veiled chameleon is approximately 3 years old, I have had him for 2 years now and he doesn't really seem to be any bigger than when I first got him. He is no where as near to the size of adult chameleons I have seen on this site and in reptile shops. Could it simply be that I own the runt of the clutch? He had a vet check up about 6 months ago who said that he was looking very healthy and that she was happy that he wasn't looking overfed like so many of the chameleons she has brought to her. Attached is the photo of my little guy, thoughts please.....


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Well he sure looks happy and healthy. Mines just over a year and i have to say does look a bit bigger. I believe you can have a runt. My first Veiled i got from a breeder died within two weeks he was 2 months old and tiny, i spoke to the breeder who came round with another Cham from the same clutch and he was huge in comparison. He was a totally different animal, ate like a pig and drank like a fish. He explained to me that it is possible to get a runt, late hatching, beaten to the fruit flies by the others etc.
I shouldn't worry though as he does look very happy.


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My veiled chameleon is approximately 3 years old, I have had him for 2 years now and he doesn't really seem to be any bigger than when I first got him. He is no where as near to the size of adult chameleons I have seen on this site and in reptile shops. Could it simply be that I own the runt of the clutch? He had a vet check up about 6 months ago who said that he was looking very healthy and that she was happy that he wasn't looking overfed like so many of the chameleons she has brought to her. Attached is the photo of my little guy, thoughts please.....

Once they hit around a year they usually quit growing at a good pace.
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