not sure


New Member
my female flap neck aka delipis poops and daa poop is sometimes splatters not like a turd can it b that when she poops from high up and it falls it splatters??also her poop is sometimes greyish any suggestions???
If you had said you were feeding waxworms, butterworms or silkworms, then the greyish poop would make sense.

If its only once in a while , I wouldn't be concerned.. But if it persists, I would take a stool sample in to the vet.
The poop should not be soft enough to splatter. It should be almost like a little sausage....however there can be some jelly like liquid that comes out when she defecates that could splatter I suppose. There should also be urates (white part).
here are the pix from my other cham i saw him poop so i took it out and took pix let me know whats you think




Whats the stringy things in the last 2 pics are they worms? I hope not for your little ones sake...
no no i have moss in one of my cages so its a piece of moss......other than that how does his poop look?
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