Novice seeking food advice


Chameleon Enthusiast
Just got a healthy male Ambilobe yesterday. I was told he eats 1/2 inch crickets, but the local places have either tiny ones or bigger. He did eat 3 that look to be 5/8 to 3/4 inch, but I'm still nervous. I'll order the correct size on line, but should I run out and buy the smaller ones today? Or some super worms? And he's shedding right now, but just ate another this AM.


Welcome to the forums and congrats on your new chameleon. How old and how big is your boy? Any photos so we can tell the size? I always go with smaller feeders than to big especially when I buy a large quantity so they grow into the correct size. It's better to feed a smaller feeder than one that's to big and your cham could choke on it. It's best to feed a large variety of well gutloaded feeders. I'm attaching my blog for new keepers below.
Thanks. He's 4 to 6 months. Body length looks around 4 inches [without tail].The small crickets are about 1/2 inch, but most are larger. I can feed him the smaller ones until I receive an order of 1/2 inch ones. He's almost done shedding. Right now, he's hiding in the Umbrella plant, so I can't photo him.
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If they are soft bodied feeders you have a bit of wiggle room with this rule but anything with a hard exoskeleton shouldn't be bigger than the space between. Sometimes you can get away with bigger if you have a good chewer but I only do it with adult chams. Ryker is my adult panther, he's rather small and but he always chews forever, so I sometimes feed him adult male dubias.
Thanks. He's eating them, but he eats when I'm not around to check if he's having a problem chewing them. I guess he 's fine. But I'm definitely ordering the 1/2 inch ones any way. These crickets are from Petsmart that I gut loaded them at home. I just don't want him to choke on the bigger ones, and most of them are big. The small ones at Petsmart were pinhead to 1/8 inch. I went there to purchase them since he was about to be shipped to me.
Yeah Petsmart doesn't separate their crickets well. I would definitely order the smaller ones to be on the safe side. ^^
So now that I have smaller 1/2 inch crickets, I think that the remaining Petsmart crickets are too big. There could be 40 to 60 big ones left. What should I do with them? I don't want to release them into the wild because I'm not sure that I should be introducing a non-native species into the area.
Also, a plus is you will get more calcium into him if he eats more crickets, and he eats more if they are smaller
He gobbled up 5 big ones from Petsmart [I gut loaded them of course] very quickly this morning. The 1/2 inch are much smaller. I may feed him as many of the smaller Petsmart ones that I can, and perhaps the teeny 1/2 inchers from Great Lakes Hornworm will get a little bigger as I gut load them. Thanks for the advice gang!
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